Sunday, November 7, 2010

The purpose of this blog

To start in a more anecdotal tone; my laptop computer has recently crashed - yes, digital computation is always completely based on the physical too, so never let your ventilation holes clog up - and I lost my newsfeed subscriptions. As I am mainly a second-hand blogger really, simply scanning other blogs and posting interesting finds - while trying to add insightful or at least interesting comments from a reflective perspective, - I rely on these for my input. I resubscribed for some blogs on this new computer, but couldn't find a link to subscribe to one of my favorite realms in the blogosphere: Bruce Sterling's 'Beyond the Beyond'. After going through a month's worth of his posts that I missed, I even more find that this guy has a knack for finding the most powerful and time-relevant things on the planet. It makes me wonder if he has constructed an elite of digital web-crawling minions that do the work for him. But I also immediately realized better now that although the content of this blog is often similar, it does serve a bit of a different purpose and is written for a bit of a different audience, too. I'll talk a little bit about the positioning of my blog here, so you as a reader can decide if this is the place for you at this point.

You shouldn't really create and position any business without also connecting to your heart-core, and so let me say something about life first. First, I think that life with a purpose is nicer than without it. The notion of an absolute truth telling us that there either is or is not a purpose in life is simply a conceptual truth, and to live by such a truth is just one perspective. It's just one state of consciousness, you could say. From such states stem things like science and intellectualism. But beyond reason is intuitive feeling at the core of your being. And that core can teach you that truth is only there after you have created it yourself. For a simple example: before we could establish a truth that says that everything is made of atoms, we had to invent a mechanism that creates truth, we had to invent tools to extend our perception in order to feed this mechanism, and we had to create experimental situations. This way, truth is constructed actively, rather than us 'discovering' it as if it had always been there. From this perspective, we are existentially empowered rather than diminished, and the choice between those two options comes before choosing a truth. As David Hawkins mentioned, saying that there is a conceptual truth is already taking an abstract position in the first place. The choice is ours, here and now. To give a potentially confusing example: before we believe in the truth that says that I exist as a human being, we had to actively tune in to that idea and mindset, and adopt it as truth. With a lack of better things to refer to in our early years, we simply refer to the things that we can feel connected to through our primitive mirror neurons; in most cases the smiling faces of our parents. If they tell us a little later that the truth is that we are human characters, than it apparently must be so. But we had to make the choice to adopt that mindset first. Before arriving at a social truth we had to assume a social position first. In the first years after you are born you don't know that you exist, because you simply exist without thinking about existing. You lived live firsthand, not through the mental filter of a self-concept. The you that you think you are at this moment, did not exist back then. Still you apparently existed, so what were you before you were a 'who', before you were a character? And, ultimately, what about the time before birth, and the time after death? The kind of truth that we live by is determined by the kind of mindstate that we tune in to.

If you have read that last paragraph and think that I'm getting somewhere, I'm making sense, or that at least it's interesting, this blog is for you. It combines mostly the creative side of 'Beyond the Beyond' with the life-part of 'Reality Sandwich.' I do this blog as a one-man thing currently, and feel I must do so because firstly I have been educated as an industrial designer, so I know about the creative and technology industry and want to develop and help guide it. But secondly, I found how the creative mindset can channel us to a more profound and ultimate state of consciousness, and this is what the 'spirituality' side of the blog comes from. As I come into contact with more and more different kinds of people, I am starting to realize how rare my realizations are. I have been feeling, vibrating with if you like, the states of other people's minds, and I'm realizing there really have been only a few. I am finding that probably a lot of people had glimpses of it, such as John Lennon and Leo Tolstoj, but that it is much harder to sustain such a mindstate, especially in everyday life. The ones able to do this were probably people like Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Muhammad, Plotinus, Walt Whitman, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Yogi Bhajan, Mother Theresa, and Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath.

I have meditated, pondered, studied and developed ever since I was a child, and on a very early age I have always felt that things around me - objects, plants, rocks, trees, textiles, insects and other animals, etc. - were in constant connection and communication with me, and that this was more interesting than what people were getting me into. I always looked at people as simply part of this all, instead of as separate entities. I could never follow conversations much, because all I heard was 'me, me, me' - fortunately I've learned to listen better :). So I guess a core was always there, and through mind-silencing meditations as well as conceptual meditations, and trying to 'see' people's minds, I have found an ultimate state of consciousness, where you are completely absorbed into the world and all thought, all inner chatter, quiets down completely. I have also learned to access this state of consciousness at will, better and better. This is where you wake up, get back into your body, and simply do what you do without worry, projections of the future, thoughts about people, desires, plans, etc. You are present and aware.

We as people though seem to be wired to be drawn into a world of people, where people are the main focus of our consciousness. We like to meet people, talk to people, and develop good relationships with people. Questions about reality and truth often cease to exist once a satisfactory self-concept is constructed, because there are plenty of distractions in this life to simply keep going in the movie with the character you made, without all too much reflection or awareness of what's really going on. We forget that actually this is a second-person perspective while once we had a first-person perspective, without wanting to go into third-person mode either. It makes you live as the voice in your head. The apex of the voice-in-the-head kind of life is to develop a constellation of verbal concepts that stimulate an intellectual-ish, outrospective, conversational mode of being that unconsciously feeds your self-image and makes you feel good whenever some social resonance occurs. You will not find my writing to give you such a constellation. Rather than keeping you engaged and entertained like a kid, taking your mind out of what your body is doing, I'm pointing you towards the ultimate state of consciousness, because I'd like to share it, and it would be nice if we could establish an entire culture, maybe even geographically co-located, with a foundation of thoughtless awareness beyond the social mindset where we think that we are this human body-thing. A kind of cosmic, 21st century Shangri-La but better, I guess.

I write to people who have an openness to this kind of development, who are willing to gradually embrace the cosmic, all-knowing, all-loving, and immortal personality within them, and start making their creativity that of a god. With our mind and body always as one, we will literally create the cosmos. This is the other side :)

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